Sunday, August 21, 2011


When I was a little girl, there was a monster in the toilet. I was so scared that I pooped in my pants for months.

I was also scared of the dark, the child-snatcher and the big bad wolf.

Growing up, instead of shrinking, my fear baggage began to grow. I feared school, not doing homework, failing a test, parents, teachers, public-speaking, the old eccentric man next door.

I feared rejection, loneliness, heartbreak, hurt, failure, uncertainty, lack of security, social status, society, general opinion, disappointment, falling.

I still fear horror movies, roller-coasters and bunjee-jumping.

Where did I get this sickness, this fear? That makes me live less, and fear more.

Then I think of Alice. Was she scared in Wonderland?

Did that monster escape from the toilet and enter my head?

1 comment:

  1. Hell Yeah.!! You got at the right spot. Fear is not fair when its a groundless. Make yourself strong. Good luch.!!!
